
We care for you and we work to reach excellence in order to provide the best Private GP Service in Marbella and Costa del Sol. As a recognition for our tireless daily labour, we want to inform you that we already have our Seal of Quality.

Now that we have received the ISO 9001, UNE 179002 and IQNet AENOR Certificates, we are in position to say that we are now more able than ever of granting you a top-quality Medical Service, so whenever you need it, you feel constantly well cared for.

ISO 9001 Certificate in Quality Management

This is a general Certificate thatrecognises the capability of the company of satisfying its clients’ needs through its management model, with anefficient management approach. It also considers other issues like the respect for the environment, labour security and social responsibility, among others.

For Clinica Excelan, ISO 9001 Certificate means that ourcustomised Medical Care is absolutely focused in precisely providing what our patients need for their total peace of mind: safety, excellence in our service and reliability. Furthermore, it demonstrates that we are totally devoted to the most modern procedures in order to reduce bureaucracy and make sure our patients are swiftly attended. Additionally, thisCertificate means that we are committed to constantly keep improving in order to be always at the forefront of theprivate GP centres all around the world.

UNE 179002 Certificate in Quality Medical Transportation

This is a specific Certificate for sanitary transport companies thatrecognises the fulfilment of the ISO 9001 requirements in respect of this sector. Having this distinctive mark proves that the company is able toprovide a safe and comfortable trip while giving the best care to all its patients during the trip.

In Clinica Excelan, we havestate-of-the-art Private Ambulances equipped with the latest technology in order to be able to be in place as soon as possible and carry outthe safest Sanitary Transportation. In fact, we owe theUNE 179002 Certificate to ourambulances and our highly skilled professionals, which allow us to providethe best Medical Transportation Service in the whole Costa del Sol.

IQNet Certificate in Management System

This Seal of Qualityvalidates the AENOR ISO 9001 Certificate before the leading international certification entities, showing that the company is able to operate anywhere in the world with the same guarantees that it has at domestic level.

Since Clinica Excelan’s activity goes beyond the national borders,IQNet Certificate confirms that we are able to provide anInternational Private Medical Transportation Service in any part of the world.

How can you benefit as a patient?

As a patient, being attended in a clinic with this Seal of Quality is a safety guarantee. Having these certificates does not only mean thatwe have fulfilled the quality requisites established by AENOR in a certain moment. It means thatwe regularly give account before this agency in order to make sure that we continue meeting the obligations that we are required to fulfil if we want to keep our quality marks. Of course, this involvesrecurring inspections to prove our commitment to theISO 9001, UNE 179002 and IQNet regulations.

There are fewprivate GP centres in Spain able to say that have achieved excellence enough so as to receive these Certificates. So, having them makes us join the club of the best medical centres in Spain.

Therefore, withClinica Excelan, you will have the certainty that you are receiving ahighly qualified medical service that is uniquely focused in your well-being. We will use all the means at our disposal to grant you the mostcomprehensive medical coverage and provide you the healthcare you deserve.